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Sha Tin, Hong Kong

Unit 1705-1707, Grand Central Plaza Tower 1,
138 Sha Tin Rural Committee Rd,
Sha Tin, Hong Kong

What's missing

  • Description
  • Curriculum

What is the goal of this program?

Able to spot out and identify the missing item across settings and situations

Why is this program important?

Helps with: 

  • Enhancing memory 
  • Raising awareness to the surroundings 
  • Developing concept of “missing’ piece

How can this be taught?

First, you can put 3 things (objects, pictures, drawings on whiteboard, etc.) on the table (label them for your child if he/she does not know all of them), ask your child to cover eyes or turn away, takes away one of  them and ask your child to look again and ask “what is missing?” You can let your child label the objects and scan the table before asking him the question. 

Next, you can remove some daily objects that your child will usually use in natural environment (toothbrush in the cup, chair in the bedroom, pillow on the bed, etc.) and ask “what’s missing?”  

Last, you can try to show your child some pictures involving missing features, for example, missing eyes, missing nose of an elephant, etc.) and ask him “What’s missing?”

Suggested toys and materials 

Daily objects and toys such as: 

  • Story book
  • Pictures with absurdity  
  • Cars
  • Animals
  • Personal items (cup, water bottle, toothbrush, backpack, etc.)

Related programs 

Same different 

Troubleshooting / Prerequisite skills 

Naming objects 

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