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Sha Tin, Hong Kong

Unit 1705-1707, Grand Central Plaza Tower 1,
138 Sha Tin Rural Committee Rd,
Sha Tin, Hong Kong


  • Description
  • Curriculum

What is the goal of this program?

Able to put things (e.g. alphabet, numbers, pictures of a story, etc.) in order

Why is this program important?

Helps with: 

  • Familiarizing the order of events  
  • Understanding cause-and-effect 
  • Developing abstract reasoning

How can this be taught?

To begin, you can teach your child to put 3 things in order by giving three items (e.g. alphabets, numbers) and put them in random order. Then ask your child to “put them in order”, and arrange them from left to right. It is easier to start with things that are consecutive (e.g. A, B, C; 4, 5, 6 etc) , then switch to discontinuous items (e.g. C, G, J; 4, 6, 9, etc.).  

Next stage you can use 3 pictures of a story that your child is familiar with and interested in. First help your child to describe each of the picture in order, and place them from left to right after he/she describe each of it. Next, gradually guide him/her to describe and choose the next one (“what is the next one?” ) from the remaining piles. Last, randomly place the pictures on table and say “put them in order”

Suggested toys and materials 

Toys such as: 

  • Alphabet
  • Number  
  • Pictures of stories 

Related programs 

  • Why-because
  • Counting 1-10

Troubleshooting / Prerequisite skills 


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