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Sha Tin, Hong Kong

Unit 1705-1707, Grand Central Plaza Tower 1,
138 Sha Tin Rural Committee Rd,
Sha Tin, Hong Kong

Climbs and sits on chair

  • Description
  • Curriculum

What is the goal of this program?

  • To use major muscle group to climb up to a chair and sit down 

Why is this program important?

Helps with: 

  • Enhancing the strength, endurance and control of the whole body and core muscles 
  • Body parts coordination 

How can this be taught?

  • You can help your child practice crawling on the floor using both hands and legs first. Begin with a prone position with the child’s arms and knees placed on the ground as the starting position. Then, physically guide your child to move forward using his/her forearm and elbows.  
  • To encourage and motivate the child to crawl, you may offer the child a reinforcing object at a distance. If the child is ready, include some obstacles such as cushions and dolls around. This creates more challenge for the child to climb over while crawling while they work on the muscles and body coordination. 
  • Once the child is able to crawl, he/she can learn to crawl and climb up to the sofa, short table and chair. Physical prompts can be given to guide them to perform the actions. Once the child is able to climb up, he/she will learn to sit nicely on the chair. To sit nicely on the chair, the child should be taught to sit with back facing the chair, bum sitting on the chair with both feet down. Begin by physically guiding the child to sit in the correct position and gradually fade them as the child progresses.

Suggested toys and materials 

Everyday toys and objects, such as: 

  • Bean begs
  • Dolls
  • Toy cars
  • Big teddy bear
  • Cushion

Related programs 

  • Jump on two-feet 

Troubleshooting / Prerequisite skills 

  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Basic control of body parts 


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